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a life void of meaning

  • 1 void

    1. adjective
    1) (empty) leer
    2) (invalid) ungültig
    2. noun
    (empty space) Nichts, das; (fig.)

    there was an aching void in her heartsie spürte im Innern ein schmerzliches Gefühl der Leere

    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nichtig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) ohne
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) die Leere
    * * *
    I. n Leere f kein pl a. fig; (in building) Hohlraum m
    into the \void ins Leere
    she sensed the black \void of despair inside him sie spürte den Abgrund der Verzweiflung in ihm
    to fill the \void die innere Leere ausfüllen
    II. adj inv
    1. (invalid) nichtig
    to declare sth [null and] \void etw für [null und] nichtig erklären
    to be \void of sth ohne etw akk sein, einer S. gen entbehren geh
    he's completely \void of charm er hat absolut keinen Charme
    3. ( form) position frei
    4. action, speech nutzlos
    to render sth \void etw zunichtemachen
    III. vt
    to \void sth etw aufheben [o auflösen] [o ungültig machen]
    to \void a contract einen Vertrag für ungültig erklären
    2. MED
    to \void one's/the bowels seinen/den Darm entleeren
    * * *
    1. n (lit, fig)
    Leere f

    the dead astronaut floated off into the voidder tote Astronaut schwebte in das All

    2. adj
    1) (= empty) leer

    void of any sense of decencybar jeglichen Gefühls (geh) or ohne jegliches Gefühl für Anstand

    2) (JUR) ungültig, nichtig
    3) (= useless) nichtig (geh)

    you've made all my efforts totally voiddu hast all meine Bemühungen völlig zunichtegemacht

    3. vt
    1) (JUR) ungültig machen, aufheben
    2) (form: empty) bowels entleeren
    * * *
    void [vɔıd]
    A adj (adv voidly)
    1. leer:
    2. void of ohne, bar (gen); arm an (dat), frei von:
    void of fear ohne (jede) Angst;
    be completely void of interest for völlig uninteressant sein für;
    a life void of meaning ein sinnloses Leben
    3. unbewohnt (Haus etc)
    4. unbesetzt, frei (Stelle etc)
    5. JUR (rechts)unwirksam, ungültig, nichtig: academic.ru/50746/null">null A 3
    B s
    1. leerer Raum, Leere f
    2. fig (Gefühl n der) Leere f
    3. fig Lücke f:
    fill the void die Lücke schließen;
    leave a painful void eine schmerzliche Lücke hinterlassen
    4. JUR unbewohntes Gebäude
    C v/t
    1. räumen (of von)
    2. JUR
    a) (rechts)unwirksam oder ungültig machen, für nichtig erklären
    b) (einseitig) aufheben
    c) anfechten
    3. PHYSIOL Urin etc ausscheiden
    D v/i PHYSIOL
    a) urinieren
    b) Stuhlgang haben
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (empty) leer
    2) (invalid) ungültig
    2. noun
    (empty space) Nichts, das; (fig.)
    * * *
    leer adj.
    nichtig adj.
    ungültig adj. n.
    Fehlerstelle -n f.
    Leere -n f.
    Lücke -n f.
    Nichtigkeit f.

    English-german dictionary > void

  • 2 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) uden
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrum; savn
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) uden
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrum; savn

    English-Danish dictionary > void

  • 3 void

    1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vacío (de)

    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vacío
    void1 adj nulo
    void2 n vacío
    1 vacío,-a (of, de)
    void of interest falto,-a de interés
    2 SMALLLAW/SMALL nulo,-a, inválido,-a
    1 vacío
    1 (empty) vaciar
    2 SMALLLAW/SMALL anular, invalidar
    void ['vɔɪd] vt
    : anular, invalidar
    to void a contract: anular un contrato
    void adj
    1) empty: vacío, desprovisto
    void of content: desprovisto de contenido
    2) invalid: inválido, nulo
    void n
    : vacío m
    anular v.
    evacuar v.
    vaciar v.
    anulado, -a adj.
    caducado, -a adj.
    ilusorio, -a adj.
    inválido, -a adj.
    nulo (Jurisprudencia) adj.
    sin valor (Jurisprudencia) adj.
    vacío, -a adj.
    fallo s.m.
    hueco s.m.
    inválido s.m.
    vacío s.m.

    I vɔɪd
    noun vacío m

    1) ( empty) (liter) (pred)

    to be void OF something — estar* desprovisto or falto de algo

    2) ( invalid) ( Law) nulo, inválido

    to make something voidanular or invalidar algo

    1. ADJ
    1) (Jur) (=invalid) nulo, inválido

    to make or render a contract void — anular or invalidar un contrato

    2) frm (=empty) vacío

    void of interestcarente or desprovisto de interés

    2. N
    1) (=emptiness) (lit) vacío m ; (fig) (=sense of emptiness) vacío m
    2) (=hole) hueco m
    3) (Cards) fallo m
    3. VT
    1) (Med) evacuar, vaciar
    2) (Jur) anular, invalidar
    * * *

    I [vɔɪd]
    noun vacío m

    1) ( empty) (liter) (pred)

    to be void OF something — estar* desprovisto or falto de algo

    2) ( invalid) ( Law) nulo, inválido

    to make something voidanular or invalidar algo

    English-spanish dictionary > void

  • 4 void

    void 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig, ikke bindende
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) tom, blottet for
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrom
    subst. \/vɔɪd\/
    1) ( også overført) tomrom, tomt rom
    hun har etterlatt seg et tomrom \/ det er tomt etter henne
    2) ( kortspill) renons
    3) ( i betong e.l.) hulrom, pore, mellomrom
    4) ( EDB) fargeluke
    disappear into the void forsvinne ut i tomme luften
    the great void det store intet
    verb \/vɔɪd\/
    1) ( spesielt jus) annullere, erklære\/gjøre ugyldig
    2) tømme (ut), kvitte seg med, utsondre (fra kroppen)
    3) ( gammeldags) forlate, gå fra
    adj. \/vɔɪd\/
    1) tom
    2) ledig, vakant, ubesatt
    3) ( spesielt jus) ugyldig, uten kraft
    4) ( poetisk) forgjeves, fånyttes, unyttig
    5) ( kortspill) renons
    make void ( spesielt jus) oppheve, annullere
    void of blottet for, uten, fri for
    uten håp, håpløs
    void of pity ubarmhjertig

    English-Norwegian dictionary > void

  • 5 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neveljaven
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) prazen
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) praznina
    * * *
    I [vɔid]
    adjective ( voidly adverb)
    prazen, izpraznjen; nezaseden, vakanten, prost (mesto, služba); poetically jalov, neuspešen, ničev, brezkoristen, neučinkovit; neveljaven
    void of — ki nima, (ki je) brez (česa)
    she is void of affectation — ona ni afektirana, je naravna
    null and void juridically neveljaven, brez zakonske veljave; ničev
    II [vɔid]
    praznina, prazen prostor; vrzel; figuratively občutek praznine, zapuščenosti
    III [vɔid]
    transitive verb
    izprazniti, izvreči, izločiti (o prebavi); uničiti, ukiniti, razveljaviti, proglasiti za neveljavno; (redko) zapustiti, izprazniti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > void

  • 6 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vazio
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vazio
    * * *
    [vɔid] n vácuo, vazio, lacuna. • vt 1 anular, cancelar, suspender, invalidar. 2 desocupar, esvaziar. 3 deixar, abandonar. 4 expelir, evacuar. • adj 1 vazio. 2 livre, isento (of de). 3 pobre. 4 que tem carência, destituído. 5 inútil, vão, à-toa, ineficiente. 6 fútil. 7 inválido, sem efeito ou força legal, nulo, anulável. 8 vago, desocupado, não preenchido (lugar, etc.). to fill a void preencher uma lacuna. to make void tornar sem efeito, anular. void of hope sem esperança, desesperado. void of pity impiedoso. void of sense que não tem ou não faz sentido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > void

  • 7 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ógildur
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) gersneyddur
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tóm, tómarúm

    English-Icelandic dictionary > void

  • 8 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) spēkā neesošs; spēku zaudējis
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) tukšs; (kaut ko) nesaturošs
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tukšums
    * * *
    tukšums; iztukšot; anulēt, atcelt; tukšs; vakants, neaizņemts

    English-Latvian dictionary > void

  • 9 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) negaliojantis
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) neturintis
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tuštuma

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > void

  • 10 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neplatný
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) nemající, bez
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) prázdno(ta)
    * * *
    • prázdný
    • prázdnota

    English-Czech dictionary > void

  • 11 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neplatný
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) nemajúci, bez
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) prázdno(ta)
    * * *
    • vákuum
    • vyprázdnovat
    • vyprázdnit
    • vyprázdnený
    • vypustit
    • vylucovat
    • zbytocný
    • zrušit
    • dutiny
    • anulovat
    • bezúcelný
    • pustý
    • pocit prázdna
    • opustit
    • prázdny priestor
    • prázdno
    • prázdnota
    • prázdny
    • medzera
    • medzery
    • márny
    • neplatný
    • nemajúci
    • neobsadený
    • nic
    • odstránit

    English-Slovak dictionary > void

  • 12 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nul
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) lipsit de
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vid

    English-Romanian dictionary > void

  • 13 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.)
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.)
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.)

    English-Greek dictionary > void

  • 14 void

    I 1. [vɔɪd]
    nome vuoto m. (anche fig.)

    to fill the voidcolmare o riempire il vuoto

    1) dir. [contract, agreement] nullo; [ cheque] annullato
    2) (empty) vuoto
    II [vɔɪd]
    verbo transitivo dir. annullare, invalidare
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nullo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) privo
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vuoto
    * * *
    1. adj
    frm Law nullo (-a), (empty) vuoto (-a)

    to make or render a contract void — invalidare un contratto

    2. n
    * * *
    void /vɔɪd/
    A a.
    1 (leg.) non valido; nullo: a void ballot, una votazione nulla; This contract is (null and) void, questo contratto è nullo
    2 vuoto; disabitato: void space, spazio vuoto
    3 void of, privo di: void of interest, privo d'interesse; He is void of common sense, è privo di buonsenso
    4 (form.) vacante; non occupato: The bishopric fell void, l'episcopato è diventato vacante
    5 (poet.) inutile; vano
    B n. (form.)
    1 (fig.) vuoto; mancanza: the painful void left by his death, il vuoto doloroso lasciato dalla sua morte; to fill a void, riempire un vuoto
    2 vuoto; spazio vuoto: the endless void of space, il vuoto infinito dello spazio
    3 vuoto; buco: a ceiling [roof] void, un vuoto nel soffitto [nel tetto]
    to vanish into the void, svanire nel nulla.
    (to) void /vɔɪd/
    v. t.
    1 evacuare; scaricare
    2 (leg.) annullare; invalidare: to void a contract [a deed], annullare un contratto [un atto]
    3 (med.) evacuare; vuotare: to void the bowels, evacuare l'intestino.
    * * *
    I 1. [vɔɪd]
    nome vuoto m. (anche fig.)

    to fill the voidcolmare o riempire il vuoto

    1) dir. [contract, agreement] nullo; [ cheque] annullato
    2) (empty) vuoto
    II [vɔɪd]
    verbo transitivo dir. annullare, invalidare

    English-Italian dictionary > void

  • 15 void

    [vɔɪd] 1. n
    ( hole) przepaść f; ( fig) ( emptiness) próżnia f, pustka f
    2. adj
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nieważny
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) pozbawiony
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) próżnia, pustka

    English-Polish dictionary > void

  • 16 void

    mentes, érvénytelen
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) érvénytelen
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) mentes (vmitől)
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) űr

    English-Hungarian dictionary > void

  • 17 void

    adj. boş, ıssız, geçersiz, hükümsüz, faydasız
    n. boşluk, boş yer, eksiklik, iptal, geçersizlik, hükümsüzlük
    v. boş bırakmak, boşaltmak, hükümsüz kılmak, terketmek, çıkarmak, atmak, tahliye etmek, iptal etmek, geçersiz hale getirmek
    * * *
    1. boş 2. boşalt (v.) 3. boşluk (n.)
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) geçersiz, hükümsüz
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) boş, yoksun
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) boşluk

    English-Turkish dictionary > void

  • 18 void

    • paljas
    • tyhjyys
    • tyhjiö
    • tyhjä
    automatic data processing
    • tyhjätila
    • tyhjö
    • huokonen
    • aukko
    • avoin
    • aavikko
    • pätemätön
    • mitätön
    • mitätöidä
    • makuloida
    * * *
    void 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) pätemätön
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vailla jotakin
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tyhjyys

    English-Finnish dictionary > void

  • 19 void

    adj. utan laga kraft
    n. tom, tomrum
    v. tömma; göra ogiltig
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ogiltig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) i avsaknad av, utan
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrum, rymd

    English-Swedish dictionary > void

  • 20 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nul
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vide de
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vide

    English-French dictionary > void

См. также в других словарях:

  • void — voidness, n. /voyd/, adj. 1. Law. having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable. 2. useless; ineffectual; vain. 3. devoid; destitute (usually fol. by of): a life void of meaning. 4. without contents; empty. 5. without an… …   Universalium

  • void — [[t]vɔɪd[/t]] adj. 1) law having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable 2) useless; ineffectual; vain 3) devoid; destitute (usu. fol. by of): a life void of meaning[/ex] 4) without contents; empty 5) gov without an incumbent …   From formal English to slang

  • void — Null; ineffectual; nugatory; having no legal force or binding effect; unable, in law, to support the purpose for which it was intended. Hardison v. Gledhill, 72 Ga.App. 432, 33 S.E.2d 921, 924. An instrument or transaction which is wholly… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Religious Life — • Overview and evangelical ideas on what makes up religious life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Religious Life     Religious Life      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Preservation of meaning — in library, archival or museum collections involves understanding spiritual, ritual, or cultural perceptions of value for specific objects, and ensuring these values are maintained and respected. Meaning is something assigned to objects of… …   Wikipedia

  • Chapayev and Void — (Russian: Чапаев и Пустота), known in the US as Buddha s Little Finger and in the UK as Clay Machine Gun , is a novel by Victor Pelevin first published in 1996. Contents 1 Plot summary 2 Characters 2.1 Revolutionary period …   Wikipedia

  • Viktor Frankl — Viktor Emil Frankl Born March 26, 1905(1905 03 26) Died September 2, 1997(1997 09 02) (aged 92) …   Wikipedia

  • Vienna Circle — The Vienna Circle (in German: der Wiener Kreis) was a group of philosophers who gathered around Moritz Schlick when he was called to the Vienna University in 1922, organized in a philosophical association named Verein Ernst Mach (Ernst Mach… …   Wikipedia

  • empty — I. adjective (emptier; est) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣmettig unoccupied, from ǣmetta leisure, perhaps from ǣ without + metta (probably akin to mōtan to have to) more at must Date: before 12th century 1. a. containing nothing …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Dharma Bums, The — by Jack Kerouac (1958)    Ann Charters says that the autumn of 1955, which jack kerouac spent in Berkeley, California, was probably “the three happiest months of his life.” This is the time period and the setting for Kerouac’s follow up novel to… …   Encyclopedia of Beat Literature

  • Om — For other uses, see Om (disambiguation). Omkara redirects here. For the film, see Omkara (film). Devanāgari Aum or Om Om or Aum (also   …   Wikipedia

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